3rd Trimester

You won't be able to use this excuse to much longer

"You won't be able to use this excuse to much longer"  This is stated to me at least a few times a day by my H and I just want to slap him.  Yesterday I called in sick.  I was up at 0300 in the morning not feeling great, had to be at my PRN job at 8 so I called off.  I felt good by 10ish so I started doing housework that was really needed: I cleaned the office/man room (it was trashed bc its also our catchall room).  I did six loads of laundry, folded, hung four of the six.  The rest were finishing up later in the evening.  I cleaned the kitchen, doing dishes, etc... I then cooked dinner while he went to the gym after work.  I also have a 2 year old that is very needy at this time.  My hips hurt like h... and by the end of the night my back was killing me.  I mentioned around 7 I would love ice cream in a waffle cone.  He ran out to get some (he is a sucker for ice cream) but when he got back it had dripped in his car.  He was pissed saying he didn't understand why he had to do everything around "here".  I was getting pissed but just ignored the comment.  I finished folding and putting away two more loads of laundry with his help, cleaned up from dinner and sat down to watch TV.  LO was covered in goo from the day, her birthday the night before and now ice cream in her hair.  I was finishing a show, he had one coming on next that he wanted to watch so I mentioned that if he started bathtime I would change with him at the hour.  He didn't say anything, just took LO to the bathroom. 

THEN when we went to bed I asked if he would get a few knots out of my back and thats when he started the "you won't be able to use this as an excuse to much longer"..... wth... I'm exhausted, carrying a bowling ball in my belly, picking up a 25 lbs kid constantly.  My back is killing me and there is no way I'm going to be able to sleep if I don't do something.  It just pisses me off.  Anytime I mention needing help (not just a back rub) he tells me You won't be able to use this as an excuse much longer... ugh.... nope Im going to be able to say that I have a kid on my boob eating and he has to do more and I'm recovering, lol!!!!

2nd EDD 02/01/13 - MC 5 1/2 weeks 6/5/12. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
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