Pregnant after IF

surprise babymoon

DH planned a surprise babymoon for the long weekend. It was all about me and the baby. The first day was at a spa for an amazing relaxing series of treatments. The spa people were so good -- TONS of water and lots of bathroom breaks. We stayed at a beautiful old hotel (mid 1800s) that I have always loved but never been -- DH is really a modern lover. I have missed skiing so much this year. We went up to the mountains on a tram so I could as much of the experience as possible. We had brunch every morning as soon as I was ready to go. The bartender made me all kinds of specialty preggo drinks -- really just juice but she made them all fancy. It was so relaxing. I really appreciated DH's attention to the details.
together since 2006
full time stepmom to SS1 and SS2 since 2010
married since 2011

TTC since 7/2011 (no planned bc since 2008)
HSG 11/2011: one blocked tube
S/A 2/2012 and retest S/A 3/2012: normal
Bloodwork: normal
2nd HSG 5/2012: clear
Femara cycle 5mg #1 7/14/12 + IUI #1 7/23/12 = bfn
New RE appt 8/14/12
IVF #1 meds 8/30/12. ER 9/14/2012: 7 retrieved, 6 fertilized. ET 9/19/12: 1 perfect embryo 5dt.
Beta #1 BFP! 97
Beta #2 234
Beta #3 4937
ultrasound #1 heart beat 127
10/20/12 graduated!!!
EDD 6/7/12
Team PINK!!

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