Pregnant after IF

Intro :)

Decided to wait to intro over here til my first u/s which was this afternoon and we are having identical twins!! I'm still in shock and can't believe it. Both of the embryos looks empty and of course the other one split. We heard the heartbeats baby A 119 and baby B 116. I go in next week for another u/s to make sure babies are doing well.  I'm still in shock and hope we will be here for the long haul!

Age:30 healthy DH: 32 DX Testicular CA '03(banked sperm) Reoccurance of Testicular CA '10 RPLD.TTC: 6/2012. _______________ 6/12 met with RE advised to go to straight IVF due to quality & amount of sperm banked. 6/26/12 day 3 work up & US~ normal. 7/3/2010 Sono~ Polyps. 8/21/12 DH: PEUS~ No retrograde sperm visible; low testosterone. 9/6/12 hysteroscopy/polyectomy~ Removed 2. Now waiting for next steps to start the process of IVF! November IVF Antagonist protocol/risk of OHSS. ER 11/13 17R/15M/12F ET 11/18 transferred 2 beautiful blasts. 5 frozen embies. Beta 11/27 BFN. FET #1 ET 1/24 of 2 blast. HPT+ 2/1. 2/4 beta #1 286. 2/6 beta#2 692 PAIF/SAIF welcome! imageimageLilypie Pregnancy tickers
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