3rd Trimester

Vent... STRESSED!!!

 i sincerely feel like i am a ticking time bomb today and the next time my husband rubs me wrong im going to flip!! He came home from work today and the first thing he said was oh wow i see you didnt do anything around the house today.... on MY days off work i am expected to do all of the flipping house work but on HIS days off he can sit and play call of duty all day an not give a rats ass about anything. THEN he proceeds to complain about what i took out for dinner... oh and i ask him to get the car seat and stroller out of the car bc its all still in the big box it comes in and that's too much to ask!!!! wtf. He knows im pissed off and he is deliberately pushing my buttons bc he knows what gets me going.... i am trying so hard to stay calm but my patients are running thin! Lately i just feel like i am doing everything around here! I am working pretty much full time, 31 weeks preggo, tired, sore, and to top it off sleep is scarce bc of this huge belly.. i am just on the verge of tears here im so stressed out..  We just moved here a month ago, i dont really know anyone accept the people from work so i cant go to a friends house and have a girls day and just relax. UGH!!!
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