August 2013 Moms

New OB Visit There IS Hope!

I apologize in advance as this might be long.

Today we had our 2nd OB visit with our new Dr. I was nervous when the door opened and this rather good looking 30ish year old man walked through the door. Looking at DH, I could tell he felt the same. We just had a conversation about the motives of male OBs when they enter into the field the other night. Lmbo. So after getting over the fact that this guy was pretty hot, we started to talk about my past labor experience and what we wanted to see happen this time around since in his words I had 'one of the worst labor experiences you can have'. Everything that came out of his mouth met my concerns with empathy and respect along with added conversation about how he could handle the situation if complications arose. He gave me a new sense of hope for a successful labor and delivery. He was so open, I am still uncertain if this really happened or if I was having the 'perfect OB dream'.

Next, we talked about sleep, a huge issue for me. I have been on Ambien CR for almost a month and wanted to know more about possible risks to baby. He assured me that I was making a good choice based on circumstances and suggested another option to compliment the Ambien and hopefully be on the path of nixing the night time routine. He also informed me that I was on the highest dosage available! My prior OB, the one who prescribed it, had not discussed this with me or tried lower doses at all. I'm ok with it, I just find it strange since it is a class C drug. So, that is a huge load off my chest knowing there is at least a plan to get me off sleep meds and sleeping at night.

Lastly, I guess we weren't supposed to have an US today even though the email reminder told me to have a full bladder. That's annoying, because this was the only time I've ever made an effort to drink a LOT of water, even with DD. I asked for one since DH was there and he had anticipated seeing baby for the first time. By the time I got it, I was hurting to pee. OB told me to go pee and that it did not matter for this. Ahhhh. Ok, lol, so then we saw baby. DD was in awe! She even said aw and she is 19 months! She is going to be such a good big sister. HB was 132 so oh BOY! I might be rethinking my gender prediction... So, yay for a healthy little baby that was still doing ok.

OB wants me back in two weeks and wants me to be seen by a Perinatal specialist. He said I was bordering high risk and he would like level 2 ultrasounds throught the pregnancy. They are watching for heart defects and heart disease.

On that note, I was also referred to a cardiologist to get yet another heart monitor. Ughh. I guess its better to do it all at once to take care of our copay.

Addition, one of his nurses gave me a little lecture about not gaining yet. She said by now I'm expected to have gained and to gain continuously... That's not how I remeber it last time? Either way, I know in the last few months of pregnancy I will gain more than the recommended one pound per week so I'm not too worried. Just a little annoyed because I have had ms this whole time but she is expecting weight gain. Anyone else get grief yet?

Well, that is my book. If you made it, I grant you whatever craving your little heart desires. Add to that a glass of wine because I feel nice.
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