August 2013 Moms

Help, please: Need space-saving ideas! (long)

So this is our first baby and he was definitely a surprise.  That being said, my husband and I weren't planning on buying a house for another year or so, and now we're trying to do it asap AND on just his salary.  Since I am an underemployed teacher (can only find leave replacements now) the odds of me finding a real job for September when I am due in August are basically zero.  With each day that passes, it's looking less and less likely that we'll have moved by the time our son arrives.

Our current rental house is about 800 square feet, and I am being generous.  We have no shortage of storage space, thanks to ample closets, a loft, pantry, and basement, but our living space has me scratching my head.  I can't picture a way to work a crib etc. into the picture without removing something like my husband's computer desk or our dining table.  To start, we are planning on having baby spend at least the first couple weeks in a bassinet or playard in our room before moving to a crib.  Hopefully we'll be in a new house by then, but who knows?

 Please help.  What baby stuff do I not need?  Are there space-saving combination furniture things out there, even those that are not baby-related?  Are mini cribs small enough to make a difference?  Are there websites to help poor slobs like me?   What have people in similar situations done that worked?

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