August 2013 Moms

Stomach Bug/Cramps/Discharge Question... please read!

Panicking... a bit.  

My husband had a stomach bug with vomiting and diarrhea. He got really dehydrated because he sucks as drinking water in general. 

He started to feel better.. low and behold, I started to get bad diarrhea.  Every ounce of water I drank the night before last and into yesterday flushed me out. I am feeling 85% better today, so I decided to try to head to work. Bad idea. Feeling like crap! 

Got a few mild, mild cramps this morning on the way to work. Went to the bathroom 30 minutes later and had very, very light pink discharge. It wasn't even discharge.. it was more like liquid, and only on the first wipe.


I had called my OB yesterday and she said to drink a TON of water (which I drank a whole gallon + a bottle yesterday) and eat when I felt I could (ate saltines with each 1/2 glass of water). But she said to ride it out. Do you think the discharge could be related to stress because of the bug?


(Background: I haven't really been around on this board recently.. but I am 12 1/2 weeks. I'm super scared of any signs of bleeding since my last pregnancy ended in miscarriage at 6 weeks and we JUST told everyone we were pregnant last week.)  

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