3rd Trimester

Funny GD Ultrasound Results!!!

Yesterday the ultrasound tech gave us THREE pictures of Connor grabbing...himself. YES, holding onto his shaft LOL You can CLEARLY see his knuckles holding onto it, too. And the tech was funny enough to circle his scrotum on the screen and tell me that's what I was looking at BAHAHAHA My ultrasound appt was the talk of the office for sure; we had every nurse and Dr in there howling with laughter!!! HAHAHA

Only MY son would be captured in utero playing with himself. He's so much like daddy already!!! LMFAO 

But, on a serious note, Connor is doing great. He weighed in at 2lbs 6oz (right on target for his gestational age), my BP was 142/84 which is better than 2 weeks ago, my OB now says that a c-section is NOT certain as long as I can be induced or go into natural labor during week 39 or a little earlier, AND I haven't gained any weight in 4 weeks!!! I'm still at 231, meaning I've gained a total of 13 lbs so far this pregnancy (about 2lbs/month average) - I am SO PROUD of myself for that ? YAY!!!
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