August 2013 Moms

Update: tubes.

A while ago I mentioned DS had been referred to an ENT for evaluation for tubes. Well, we went, and they did suggest them. They did a hearing test and his hearing isn't affected much. Just a little because of the fluid.

Well. He got another cold and another ear infection. Making this his like 9 one in less than a year. So we set the date. March 4th is tubes day.

I know it's routine and very common and safe and he will most likely do fine. But I'm still scared. He will be 19 months old. I'm not looking forward to my 19 month old having surgery. Even if it is really quick and easy and common.

But hoping we avoid any more infections by doing it. He's such a good boy. We actually never know he has an infection he is so smiley and happy all the time. And never loses sleep over them. But even so, I'm tired of pumping him with antibiotics at such a young age.

Whew. Okay just needed to get that out. Hope all of your August babies have good ears!!! My August 2011 baby sure didn't. Hoping this one doesn't inherit the ear issues I passed along to DS.
August is our favorite month!
Married 8/6/2005. DS #1 Born 8/2/2011. Baby #2 8/13/2013!
Just missing the dreaded "2 under 2!"
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