August 2013 Moms


I had some very light pinkish brown spotting while making dinner tonight and some cramping with it. I am going to call the doctor in the morning and insist on getting checked. I suffered a later miscarriage in October 2010. I was 16 weeks before I found out my baby had died at 12 weeks. I let light and painless spotting go for a week before I called and it still haunts me that I had no idea my baby was dead inside me for so long. I refuse to be in the dark this time. I am hoping and praying that it is nothing, but have to be realistic. My symptoms mostly stopped a couple of weeks ago, and my uterus doesn't seem to be getting and bigger since then either. I am so scared. Please pray that this is nothing.
Pregnancy Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Missed miscarriage discovered at 16 weeks on 10/11/10. Baby measuring 12 weeks. Natural miscarriage 10/12/10. We will miss you forever. Chemical pregnancy on June 2012.
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