3rd Trimester

Anterior placenta and movement?

Hi Ladies,

I posted this on my birth month board but thought some of you might have some experience with this as well. I hope you don't mind if I post this here too.

I went in this morning for an emergency u/s due to spotting/cramping. Luckily everything was fine and it was due to a UTI they suspect.

We did find out way are expecting our third boy!!! And also that I have an anterior placenta. I was starting to wonder as I've not felt much for movement this time around and I'm 18 weeks. What I've felt so far as been very "muffled" and mostly on the lower sides near my hip bones. I was kind of disappointed at this because I've read that you can barely feel movement at all with an anterior placenta? Of course I'm very grateful things are fine but I'm wondering if its like this the whole pregnancy or if the movement just takes longer to get more distinct? I love feeling the baby move and was really looking forward to it. Did you find having a placenta placed this way "dulled" the movements the whole pregnancy or just at the beginning when they're smaller?

Thanks for any info!
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