
Siblings arguing/fighting???

How would you handle your 4 year old (birthday 01/26), fighting with your almost 2 year old. The fighting seems to be escalating. They are both girls. The oldest has started to snatch toys or other things away from the two year old and LOVES to boss her around. Typical I know, and she is put in time out for snatching things away from her.  Hitting is a new thing and I am not sure how to handle it. Yesterday, they were eating apple slices and the younger one took an apple slice off of the older ones plate. The older one tackled her and was sitting on her, hitting her on the back (hard). I was speechless. I grabbed her up and put her immediately into time out and afterwards made her apologize to her sister and then took her into another room and talked to her. But, I am curious how others handle these situations. I want to do what is effective and appropriate for a just turned 4 year old. Thank you.
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