Pregnant after IF

Another ohss question from IF


I still post on IF but lurk over here for now if that's ok! I am 10dp5dt today. My betas were 117 at 7dpt and 223 at 9dpt. I go back thurs for a 3rd beta.

Because I'm a nervous wreck this time around, I have to ask those of you who have had mild ohss. My symptoms started last Thursday 5dp5dt and have hit a few peaks of being really bad although my RE thinks we can hold off and possibly not have to drain at this point. I'm concerned now because while I'm def not feeling anywhere near 100 perfect better, I can tell certain things are improving, like I can lay in certain positions I couldn't before. I've also been drinking Gatorade like they told me.

My concern is, should these symptoms be getting better this soon with a mild case? Does this mean bad news for my hcg levels?

Sorry so long! Thanks so much!
TTC # 1
Me: Hashimotos Disease, Elavated Prolactin, Uterine Polyps DH: SA good
12/11: HSG polyps found; 1/12: 1st apt with RE; 1/12: SHG: polyps confirmed, 2/12: diagnosed with Hashimotos, prescribed synthroid; Elevated prolactin, MRI clear, prescribed Dostinex; 2/12: hysteroscopy & D&C
3/2012 unmedicated cycle= BFN
4/2012 trigger + iui + endometrin=BFN
5/2012 Ovaries look "PCO-Like". Finally able to trigger on CD28. Trigger + TI + Endometrin = BFN
6/2012 Follistim + Trigger + iui = BFN
7/2012 Follistim + Trigger + iui = BFN
Unmedicated cycles 8/2012 & 9/2012=BFN
10/2012 IVF#1 = BFP 9dp3dt Beta=20, 14dp3dt Beta=9 C/P
IVF#2 Estrogen Priming Protocol beginning 1/14/2013
Beta 7dp5dt 117, Beta 9dp5dt 223, Beta 12dp5dt 583
1st Ultrasound 2/28 showed two yolk sacs! Next ultrasound 3/7
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