August 2013 Moms

Question for STM's.. re:clothing size for newborn

so, just wondering for those of you who have done this before.. for the very first outfits, should I be buying Newborn size, or 0-3 mos? A lot of the newborn stuff I've seen says for up to 8lbs.

I asked my sister, and she said 0-3 mos, that they generally don't even fit in the newborn size, and if they do its for like a week.

anyone agree/disagree?

Just wondering because we're not finding out I want to make sure all the neutral stuff I have is just for the very beginning, and once we have the baby I'll go crazy clothes shopping for gender specific items. (online obviously as I won't have time to go anywhere, hah) So I don't want to be buying a ton of grey/beige/etc stuff that the baby won't even be able wear for the first few weeks/month if I'm buying it too big for the beginning.


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