Pregnant after IF

Opinion on beta.

Hi girls, I'm currently 6w1d pregnant but I'm still very cautious with this pregnancy. I got my 6th (yes, 6th) beta today and it didn't rise as much as I had hoped. Here has been my progress so far:

14 dpo: 42.5

16 dpo: 60

18 dpo: 183

21 dpo: 641 (Feb 11th)

25 dpo: 1699 (Feb 15th)

29 dpo: 3106 (today)

It was doubling nicely for awhile there but today's beta has a doubling time of 111 hours from last Friday's, which I'm not happy about. I understand that the higher the hcg gets the slower it rises but from what I read online, beta's higher than 1,000 but lower than 6,000 have a normal doubling time of 72-96 hours and I am not within that range.

I go back on Friday for another beta. I don't know, thoughts?

I should add that I have been having ultrasounds since 22dpo and we've detected a gestational sac that has definitely been growing. Today we could *barely* detect the fetal pole and yolk sac. Also, I am 6w1d but measured 5w3d today.



TTC#1=Feb 2009: 50 mg Clomid+Ovidrel shot+Metformin+Dexamethasone+TI=BFP!
Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

TTC#2=July 2011: Surprise BFP: Chemical Pregnancy
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