August 2013 Moms

Took a fun trip to the ER today.

So I blacked out at work this morning.  In front of my students, no less.  I was already sitting so I didn't fall, thank goodness.  Got checked out by the school nurse, then went to my ob who checked the heartbeat who then sent me to the ER for an EKG and iv fluids.  While at the ER, I got the longest, best ultrasound EVER.  I got to spend about 10 minutes gazing at my very healthy, wiggly, punchy, kicky, karate-chopping, thrashing, and somersaulting baby BOY <3<3<3Big Smile  I can't wait to tell my husband when he gets home.  We've suspected all along it was a boy and it's so nice to see it confirmed.

 Still, the blacking out part was weird.  I ate and drank plenty before work (more than usual, actually) and all my tests came back negative.  Since I'm still feeling unsteady, I've been ordered out of work until at least Thursday.

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