August 2013 Moms

academic jobs

I am in need of some support, especially anyone in the academic setting... I am due aug 30th and officially just turned down my last remaining postdoc offer for next year. the last one i turned down was pretty flexible in terms of the maternity leave (which would start within weeks of my start date, which is why i was still considering it), but I would have to add the months missed onto the end of the contract, which would push me off schedule for the academic job market for next year.. I took a year off (this was grad school though) with my son, so like the idea of staying home for a while, but am kind of freaking out about what I just did to my career. Field is clinical psychology in case anyone can commiserate! Anyone have success getting academic jobs with start dates other than august or september? or anyone skip a postdoc and go straight to faculty? Am i crazy for turning down a position when I am only 13 weeks pregnant?!!
Image and video hosting by TinyPic Ezra Estlin 5/5/10 BabyFruit Ticker
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