
Clothing choices

DD always wants to wear short sleeves. Right now it gets to a high of 60 each day but is cold in the morning. I let her pick clothes and we battle to get her to put a long sleeve under her short sleeve. I feel like just letting her wear short sleeves because maybe if she was cold she'd make a better choice. Any ideas.
DD conceived Cycle #1 April 2008
TTC #2 since Jan 2011
Miscarriage 3/11 @ 6 weeks, D&C
Miscarriage 2/12 @ 5 weeks, D&C
IF Diagnosis: Low ovarian reserve
me: 38.5, DH: 41
Cycle #15: Femera 25mg Jul 2012: BFN
Cycle #16: Femera 25mg Aug 2012: BFN
Cycle #17: Femera 50mg & IUI #1 Sep 2012: BFN
Cycle #18: Femera 50mg & IUI #2 Oct 2012: BFN
Cycle #19: Break
Cycle #20: Femera 50mg & IUI #3 Dec 2012: BFN
2013: Moving onto IVF
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