August 2013 Moms


This feels so stupid to be bringing up now but the fact that my husband did, concerns me.

 We took a walk this morning and he brought up his sister (who is currently a freshman in high school) living with us while she is in college.... That is a whole other subject that I dont want to think about (he for some reason feels like he should put his siblings through college, which I admire, but we have our own little family and we need to focus on us).

 That conversation brought us to how he thought the living arrangements were going to go in our house. We have a three bedroom two and a half bath house. He for some reason thought that both of our children (I am 14 weeks with our first and hoping for two total) would share a room immediately after the second is born. Mind you, my perfect plan would be my children being 2 years apart. Why on earth would my two year old and my newborn share a room if we have two rooms we can put them in?? He was thinking that so we can maintain the guest room we have now. Furthermore, he was under the impression that our newborn was just going to share a room with us "so we dont have to walk down the hall when they cry." I wanted to explode. We are both going to work, why on earth would we do that, and then attempt to go to work the next day if we have our newborn sleeping in our room every night?

It just doesnt make sense to me. Mind you, I am not currently a Mom so some advice would be appreciated, but two small children sharing a room, and sharing a room with my newborn for longer than the week or two after he or she is born seems crazy to me.

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