3rd Trimester

Small baby wt - induction question

Hi all,

 So been having weekly sonos and appnts since 33wks because baby seems to be on the small side weight wise but all other factors on the BPP is normal. My fluid levels average, placenta looks good, uterus fine etc. I was very tiny before pregnancy and a small baby myself so it could just be i make small babies the doctor says. Dr said she will wait for me to labor naturally at whatever wk. So I'm starting 39wks today and 50% effaced but not dilated, baby's wt is now 5.9. the doctor was out sick, but she told the NP and on-call dr to just go ahead a schedule to get me admitted to the hospital tomorrow nite to get a cervical ripening agent and then induce me the next day Weds. I was so shocked b/c there was no indication since everytime my results come out average that I need to do this. I felt so pressured by the oncall dr and NP to just go ahead and get admitted w/o even talking to my regular dr.I was so irritated with the lack of concern for what I wanted to do or that I wanted to wait 1 day to speak with the dr on Weds when she gets back and then proceed with that plan. They didn't even give me an option of trying natural methods to see if i can dilate on my own. Is this normal- anyone else had a smaller baby where this is the course of action?

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