Pregnant after IF

Early Intro and Beta Question

Hi ladies!  I've lurked here for the past few months hoping and praying that I'd be here one day.  Well, the day has come!  Last week I got a +HPT, followed by a beta of 71 7dp5dt.  Today (4days later) I went in for my second beta and its 521!  I know high betas don't necessarily mean you are having twins, but my husband may have a heart attack if I am preggers with twins.  I would LOVE twins just b/c who knows if I'll get another shot at ever being pregnant again, DH not so much.  DH and I discussed before hand so we knew there was a possibility, but I don't think he actually thought it would come to fruition.  My question is what where your betas and how many are you carrying?!  I'm sure this has been asked several times, but I'm dying to know how many are growing in there.  My next beta isn't for 10 more days.  I don't know how I'm gonna wait that long!

All Welcome

Me: 29 DH: 30

IF DX severe endo SA: PERFECT!

7/16/2011 Married handsome hubby!
9/2012 Lap/Hystercopy DX w/ Stage III endo
Bilaterial Uterine Suspension/D&C/HSG
HCG/D&D on R/L ovaries/chromaltubation/Uterine Polyp
10/2012 RE consult. DX move straight to IVF
IVF #1 11/27/2012
IVF #1 Cancelled for Low Response and Converted to IUI #1 --- BFN

IVF #1.2 BCP 12/29 Stims 1/21 w/ New Protocol - Antongonist (225 Menopur, 150 Follistim, & Ganirelix)
ER 2/2/13 11R,9M,8F -- ET 2/7/13 2 Beautiful Perfect Blasts/5 made it Freeze! -- 2/12/12 +HPT -- 2/14/13 Beta #1 71 -- 2/18/2013 Beta #2 521 YAY! Let this be our take home baby!

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