3rd Trimester

24-hour urine collection, ultrasound and OB appt.

Well, since I woke up today I've been collecting my urine for the 24-hour urine collection. How many mL's of urine do most pregnant women with GD produce? I'm not even 10 hours in yet and 1600mL's of a possible 3500mL's is already full...if I continue at this rate, I won't have enough container for the entire 24 hours! lol I bring in the sample tomorrow.

We also have an ultrasound at 3:3opm because of my hypertension and GD, the OB wants to make sure Connor's growth and weight are not being effected by my health issues. The tech they have is so devoid of personality that I really wish we didn't have to see him again lol He made finding out the sex of our first baby such a "routine and boring" event that he was taking the excitement out of it for my fiance and I lol (Do I get to have more ultrasound pics???)

Then we have another appt at 4:30 with my actual OB to discuss the results and have a regular check up - WHEW, busy day for me tomorrow lol 


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