3rd Trimester

39 weeks pregnant - Feels Like I'm hardly showing

Hi All, I am 39 weeks pregnant. I am really excited about having this baby <3 I have had two previous miscarriages , so to me, to be this far along without any major complications is a miracle! A little insight, I a bit pudgy and 6 feet tall. Doctor says I'm measuring normally, but people look very surprised when I tell them I am 38/39 weeks pregnant. Been getting a lot of comments like, wow I was twice your size when I was in my last weeks, or You sure there's a baby in there! I know they are harmless statements, but they have been really getting to me. Do I look small for 39 weeks? Or is it just me being insecure? And ..another thing, two days ago I went to the bathroom and there was a small amount of pinkish blood with some white stuff on the tissue. IT stopped, didn't see it for the rest of the night, then the next day it happened again....haven't had it since. Does anyone know what this might be ? Does it mean labor should be coming soon?


Here are some pictures. I wasnt sure how to insert them...but here are the links in case i didnt insert the pictures right.




 imageimage" mce_src="image">


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