August 2013 Moms


Just a quick update:
Last time I posted was about my hyperemesis. I mentioned keeping virtually nothing down, liquids included, etc.
Anyway, the doctor has tried me on three different medications in the three months that I've been pregnant. Zofran, Reglan, and Promethazine. Nothing has helped. I've been in the ER three times; twice for dehydration and once because I vomited up blood. :
Now, go figure, it might not be a truly pregnancyrelated issue after all. The ER doctor whom I built up a rapport with since he saw me for two of my hospital stays of the three is referring me to a GI specialist in hopes that maybe this is a gastrointestinal issue and not solely a pregnancy one.
Has anyone else experienced anything similar? I've started a food journal in hopes of giving the GI specialist some insight. Any other recommendations since I am still not keeping anything more than a few crackers down each day?
Thanks in advance! Vent/questions over now.
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