
What to do if a kid doesn't like school?

The boys started preschool at the beginning of January. James likes going to school and is excited to go in the morning. But every morning Eli says he doesn't want to go to school. He repeats this a couple times a day before dropping him off. When I drop him off he doesn't fuss and he doesn't seem unhappy when I pick him up. I just figured he was getting used to school and kept trying to be positive about it. But last week I went and observed class and was a little disappointed. (I should have observed before they started instead of just walking through.) His teacher isn't very warm and I only saw her smile once in the hour that I was there. She was very regimented. I can't say that I need a lovey dovey teacher, but hey, it is preschool, not a college prep school. I guess I was hoping for someone who shows that they love kids and love their job.

The boys were put in her class instead of the other one because the other teacher's class  (who I have heard wonderful things about) is full. I'm going to talk to the director about switching classes, but I don't think it is possible. I am at a loss as to whether or not to pull them from the school and try some place new or stick it out. I know that some kids just don't like school and some kids like school but still say they don't want to go. I don't know if a different class would change Eli's perspective on school. Is he just exhibiting typical kid behavior or is it that the teacher isn't great. I really want them to love learning and be in a place that fosters that and I don't want their first interaction with school to be bad. But at the same time, James likes it and what if it is just Eli. (I don't think I want to split them up at this point either).

I could use any thoughts or experiences or advice.

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