August 2013 Moms

Skin Allergies and Baby Laundry

Recently I have been thinking about laundry detergent. 

I am allergic to a lot of laundry detergents. My allergic reaction is that I break out in eczema all over my body. 

It is the same allergy that my grandmother has (mom's mom). So likely there is a genetic component, which means baby could have the same allergy.

The one I am using currently (which I do not have a reaction to) is Arm and Hammer Free and Clear.

So, when thinking about washing the baby's sheets, blankets and clothing, what should I use?

The way I see it, I could buy one of the "baby" laundry detergents, try it out on myself and see if I break out. Or I could wash the baby's items in the Arm and Hammer Free and Clear.

Any advice? 


"How long till my soul gets it right? Can any human being ever reach the highest light? Except for Galileo, god rest his soul, king of night vision, king of insight." ~ Indigo Girls Anniversary
When you've been married this long, you need a ticker to remind you.

BFP 11/24/2012 with EDD 8/07/2013
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