Pregnant after IF

For those with experience with OHSS

Hi everyone,

I live over on the Infertility board, but figured I could probably get some good advice from this board as well.

I am in the midst of my first IVF cycle. ER was Tuesday and ET is tomorrow. I had close to 40 follicles, 27 eggs were retrieved and 23 fertilized. I was high risk for OHSS from the start as my estrogen levels climbed very rapidly as well during my stim week.

After ER, doc sent me home with Cabergoline and gave me the "high protein, gatorade, pelvic rest" talk, so that's what I've been doing. However, I think I have developed mild signs of it (which I feel was inevitable from the start). The day of ER, I was super nauseated all day and vomited once. The following day, again - nausea on and off, was able to keep a little food down, but vomited overnight. Thursday...mild nausea in the morning but I improved by afternoon, no vomiting. Friday, no nausea or vomiting. I have definitely been tender in my abdomen this entire time, moreso Wed/Thurs than anything. I just felt like someone socked me in the stomach and getting comfortable sleeping was difficult at times. Friday and today, I am feeling much better, but definitely still sore and tender to the touch...but feels like it's improving a little bit each day. I have not gained any weight, had a fever, or any of the other signs. question I risk going ahead with ET tomorrow? I've heard some pretty bad stories about women with pre-existing OHSS go ahead with their ET and then get even sicker, have to be hospitalized, drained multiple times, on bed rest for 12 weeks. It freaks me out. Furthermore, I don't know for SURE that what I'm feeling is OHSS. Maybe it's just soreness from ER since I had so many eggs retrieved? Or maybe I'm just trying to convince myself that's what it is because I'm in OHSS denial...I will speak to my doc today regardless, but...last I heard he was basically leaving the decision up to me and how I was feeling come ET day.

For those of you who had mild signs of OHSS, and went ahead with did you do? If you could do it all over again and wait a month, would you?

Thank you all SO much for any advice you could lend :)

**TTC #1 since Sep 2009** Me: 31 DH: 29 (healthy, SA = normal)

DX (May 2010) = Lap #1 showed Stage I-II endometriosis. HSG normal. Tx with 6 mo Lupron (which did nothing...) Lap #2 June 2011 to remove endo, uterine fibroid, and polyp

IUI #1-#3 (July-Sep 2011): All Clomid 50 mg + unmonitored IUI = All BFN

October 2011 - April 2012: Outta $$$ (no insurance coverage) = back to tryin' on our own

May 2012 - August 2012: Mental break from trying

October 2012: New OB. Bloodwork normal aside from slightly low progesterone

November 2012: IUI #4: Letrozole 2.5 mg + Novarel trigger + monitored IUI + progesterone = BFN

IVF #1: Long Lupron Protocol,Menopur,Follistim, ER = 2/12/13 27R/26M/23F

2/17/13 Transferred 1 perfect Grade 1 blast. 17 frostbabies.

HPT 7dp5dt: BFP!!! Beta #1 9dp5dt: 108 Beta #2 11dp5dt: 368

U/S #1 3/21:

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