August 2013 Moms

COBRA? (long)

Good morning ladies! Does anyone here have experience using COBRA? I've done some research, but it seems like every site I look at has different information. 

The back story is: We live in Utah currently. I work full time and my husband and I get our health insurance through my job. He is a full-time student (finishing in April) and works part time. He has interviewed for a job in California and was called back for a second interview (they narrowed it down to 3 people) at the end of this month. If he gets the job, he would start on May 1st, so I'm *assuming* his benefits would start August 1st. I'm due on the 10th, so that feels like it's cutting it awfully close (who wants to try to find a doctor a week before delivering?). We had talked about him moving to California and me staying here and working until I deliver to keep my health insurance, but it seems silly for me to live in a different state by myself just to keep benefits. My mom suggested I look into COBRA so that I can leave my job in May and keep my health insurance until I deliver. But, if I move to a different state, won't I be out of network anyway? I'm so confused! 

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