Pregnant after IF


Morning ladies! Just wanted to swing over and say hello! I have been lurking for a few weeks when I got my BFP on IUI #1 and was just so nervous and overwhelmed I decided to wait to intro over here!

While I am still so nervous (does this ever go away??) after seeing the baby and hearing the hb yesterday I do feel much more calmer than I did! Today marks 7wks!

First u/s what an amazing experience. There is just no words for this moment in my life. DH and I waiting so long for that moment I started bawling in the RE office! Everything is measuring right on pace and the hb was a beautiful 133! We were released to my OB yesterday!

Can't wait to get to know you all and saying hello to all the ladies I already know! So happy to be here! Party!!!

Me; 28 Hubby: 29 - TTC since 5/11 - PCOS
Cycle #18-21 Clomid & Trigger & TI = BFN
Cycle #22 Gonal-F & Trigger & IUI = BFFP!! EDD 10/4/13
Beta#1 50.5, Beta#2 212, Beta#3 452
First u/s showed one perfect baby w/ hb of 133!
Released to OB
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