Pregnant after IF

Amnio today (UPDATED)

My amnio is scheduled for this afternoon. We are only planning to do the one baby. And I plan to give the doc a piece of my mind about why I think it is ridiculous for him to encourage us to do both. Anyways, I'm VERY nervous/anxious about everything going well with the procedure. Obviously my biggest fear is loss but I'm also terrified I'm going to have a seizure. Pain is a trigger and i need to stay calm bc my neuro told me that I can work myself up into a seizure. I also have about 1 per year and the last one was March 2012 during my HSG. Let's hope we can skip this year and esp today. TPs would be greatly appreciated.

 **Update**  Well, we didn't do the amnio today.  I have had bleeding since week 12 which has now turned to spotting, but the doc did not want to do the amnio today with all that going on.  The risk was just too high.  That's fine with me!  After further discussion with the doc, we aren't sure that we will do an amnio at all.  The results will not change how we move forward, it will only allow us to prepare if there is a chromosome issue.

 Unfortunately, the u/s brought us more bad news (shock!).  Baby B (omphalocele baby) has a 2 vessel cord, omphalocele is large with some liver and what appears to be most of the bowel AND the heart is on the right side of the body.  Can't be sure what's going on with the heart for another 4 weeks.  Baby A has been our healthy baby.  Well today they find baby has an echogenic bowel (brightness of the bowel).  Most likely it is that the baby swallowed blood, esp since I have had all the bleeding.  I feel like most people would freak out over the echogenic bowel, but that is the least of our worries right now.  I guess we feel confident that will resolve and it's not anything life threatening like we have going on with the other baby. 

Me: 26 DH: 26
Together 11 years, Married 3.5 years
TTC #1 since 12/2010 with unexplained IF
HSG: normal SA: normal
Jan 2011-April 2011: Femara 2.5 mg with 4 failed cycles
May 2012-Aug 2012: 3 IUIs- 100mg Clomid + Ovidrel + Endometrin = BFNs
November 2012: IVF #1 ER: 11/2 22 eggs retrieved. ET: 5dt on 11/7 (2 transferred)
Beta #1 on 11/19: 1069 Beta #2 on 11/21: 2752
1st ultrasound 12/5- It's TWINS!!!
Baby B with omphalocele...awaiting amnio for further testing
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