
Kids not excited when Daddy comes home

Not sure what's going on, but suddenly, my kids aren't very excited when dad comes home, which is hurting his feelings, I suspect.  They used to run up and give him big hugs and kisses, but lately, they'd rather keep doing what they are doing and my urging them to say hi is met with resistance (which I know is normal for this age).

Only reason I'm concerned about it is dh seems sad about it.  He's been having a tough time at work and with the winter weather blues, so him coming home to kids who don't seem to care (my 4 year old warms up in a while, my 2 year old dd is more of a mama's girl) doesn't do his mood any good.  Dinner has become of a bit of a fight with them too lately.

I swear, it's the winter blues for all of

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