
lemonade at school

In the current issue of Parents magazine, there was an article about kids consume too much sugar, and that "treats" at birthday parties, sports events, and parties at school add up. I've always been a little bothered by the fact that my kid's preschool offers them countrytime lemonade that the teachers mix up instead of just plain old water with their daily snack. My kids eat tons of cupcakes, candy, etc at parties, so it's not like they never get treats, but I figure it's an easy way to cut out a little bit of sugar and it's less work for them! .I brought it up to the director of the school and she said that they won't change the policy because the kids look forward to it as a treat, but I'm guessing that most parents wouldn't mind doing away with the lemonade altogether. I'm curious, would you prefer your child be given water or lemonade?

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