August 2013 Moms

Silly vent

So last night we posted our FB announcement letting everyone know we are expecting. Today I noticed it had been shared 3 times so I looked to see by who. My dad, ok no big deal, my sister, once again awesome, and my husbands stepdads aunt or great aunt. I'm not real sure tbh. I have met her once maybe twice in the 8 years DH and I have been together and she lives in the same city. I honestly don't know if I'd even recognize her on the street and she doesn't have any pics of herself on FB. I thought I was being nice friending her so she could kinda see DD if she was really interested but I think sharing our announcement was just a bit odd. I don't know ANY of her FB friends other than DH so why do they care if I am KU??

I made DH go on my account and unshare it ; and am seriously thinking of unfriending her.
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