August 2013 Moms

Hello Everyone!!

Hi there, I just wanted to introduce myself. I not ever been big on community forums but this is my first pregnancy and as I'm sure everyone here knows, it gets a little scary when you aren't sure what to expect. I was scanning the posts and you all seem really nice and honest so I figure it wouldn't hurt to get involved a bit. I apologize, I don't know the shorthand writing yall use yet but I'm sure I'll pick it up.

 I am 15 weeks along right now. My husband and I are so excited! I just started a full time job in November honestly not knowing I was a week pregnant at the time because we weren't trying to have a baby. Thankfully my coworkers are awesome and life has been great! My insurance just started on Feb 1st though and I'm waiting to get my cards in the mail to make an appointment with a doctor. A little nervous about not having been to a proper doctor yet but there is a pregnancy center near my house that has been wonderful and allowed us to have two ultrasounds so far which has helped put my mind at ease about how my little one is doing. Nice to meet all of you!

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker "The most important thing she'd learned over the years was that there was no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one. " - Jill Churchill
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