August 2013 Moms

Emotionless? A little long.

Hi ladies, Happy Valentines Day! So yesterday the husband and I went for our 2nd appointment... we are 13 weeks and 2 days. We got to see the heartbeat our first appointment and then we heard it yesterday.

Later that night my husband said that he was suprised that I wasn't emotional hearing the heartbeat.

I'm very excited to be pregnant, but I guess I'm just not one of these people that are crying at appointments and constantly gloating about this and that. I want everything to go smoothly and have a happy and healthy baby.

A lot of my friends were saying "Oh isn't the heartbeat the most magical sound!?" And while yes, I was excited, I guess I was just more happy that there was a heartbeat. I feel kind of numb throughout the whole process... I guess it's starting to come off that I'm not appearing as excited as one "typically" is during pregnancy. I'm a pretty low key and calm person to begin with... I take things in stride and just hope for the best. I think it's a combination of that and my mom is overwhemlingly excited. She's already planning a nursery for in HER house, saying she can't wait to take the baby here, there, eveywhere.

I'm excited believe me. I get very nervous though from time to time. Thinking about the birth itself, will I be a good mom, how will this affect my husband and I who have been used to just the two of us and our fur kids for the last 8 years. I know everyone is anxiously awaiting grandchildren.

My husband thinks it's just who we are. Not that we're stones that never show emotion. We're always cautiously happy. We've had a lot of ups and downs in 8 years so we take everything day to day.

Is anyone else feeling this? I expected to feel and act like you see in movies and TV and I guess in real life with some people.. I expected to cry, to be overwhemled with joy.

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