August 2013 Moms

Fantasy Football- WWYD?

I swear, fantasy football will be the death of me. Don't get me wrong, I played it one year and loved it but DH is beyond obsessed.

So, DH has been in the same fantasy football league since he was in middle school. He is also the Commissioner (like boss) of the league so it's a really big deal to him. Every year he and his friends have a draft sometime in August... so you are probably beginning to see my problem.

We lived in AZ the past 3 years and the draft was in Pittsburgh. Every year, DH went. Like bought a $500 plane ticket just for this event (okay, one year I was in a friend's wedding the same weekend so we doubled up that trip). Every year I was mad at him for "wasting" money on this but it was important to him so whatever (plus his family lives in Pittsburgh so he would get to see them). 

This past year, we moved to Philly which is a 5 hour drive from Pittsburgh. So not as inconvenient as in the past, but with the baby due August 15th... it becomes inconvenient. DH is the one who sets the draft day so I told him he can have it the last weekend in July (which I think is generous seeing as I will be 37.5 weeks preggo) and still go. Otherwise, I told him he would have to Skype in (which other people in the league have done before).

He wants to hold it the following weekend (when I'll be 38.5 weeks). I think this is cutting it close and a little selfish on his part. He says it will be a turn around trip so he would probably be done 18 hours or so. With tolls and gas and everything the trip will cost about $150 too.

I feel like I should put my foot down. I have been VERY accommodating the past 3 years and I am even giving him the option of the weekend before. He needs to meet me halfway or something. What would you ladies do? Would you let DH go or tell him no way?

 (OMG, I just realized that this is really long, sorry!)

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