August 2013 Moms

I'm a horrible daughter...

I just had it out with my mother on the phone.  She's broke, she has chronic back pain so she's on tons of pain meds, and she smokes like a chimney.  I already told her awhile ago that she cannot be alone with my kid so long as she's still smoking, and her house needs to air out long before i can bring my kid over there.  Tonight I told her she cannot drive my kid anywhere until I know she's off pain medications which will likely be never.  But honestly, she's always driven badly, and even worse lately.  I just don't trust her and she has given me no reason to as she has always lied to me my entire life about her smoking.  Of course she says it's different now, she has a reason to quit with a grandchild on the way.  I told her, great so my sister and I weren't enough, she even smoked when she was PG with us.  

 Anyway, my intention is not to make her feel bad, but I want her to know how I feel.  I really want her to be there for my LO but I also don't want my LO to experience all the heartache I experienced when my grandparents and great-grandparents passed away due to diabetes and smoke-related causes. 

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