
preschooler not wiping self

Our DD is 4 1/2 years old now... she's been potty trained since 2... occasionally I've noticed her entire bottom is red at bathtime.. I always remind her to make sure her bottom is patted dry before she pulls up her pants.

After watching her "pick wedgies" (as she calls them) all day I noticed that come bathtime her bottom is the most red I've ever seen it... it's REALLY irritated.

Anyone else having issues with little ones not taking the time to make sure they're dry down there?  My SIL (with 3 daughters) told me she's just in a hurry to play again and to put someting like a mild baby cream or Aquaphor on it but this has really been an on-going issue with her... I've played nice guy and now I'm losing patience!  I don't want her to rely on cream for the rest of her life!

Please help!
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