Dads & Dads-to-be

sorry i have over asked question or concern

well i always wanted to have a child but said i didnt want one pass 25 cause of down syndrom prob being higher after that so when i married we both were like no kids but the thing is u cant completly rule it out u gotta be a lil open to it bc well if u r having sex u can  have a baby no matter what protection u use end of story. well a lil after or 1 yr anni in july we found out in oct we were pregnant i was horrified to tell him cause i was scared of his reaction cause he reallllly dont want kids. even though i was terrified abt what i was abt to go through and have to do and if baby be ok im 27 now i was still really excited but all i could do is cry when i told him bc i knew how up set he was gonna be and how i let him down. he was supportive and held me and said it was fine butthe tention with him was babd  he just had no care abt baby and was just not happy not a little. just like this omg kill me on his face and god help if i brought it up u could tell he wanted to run away i told him how it hurt that he was not happy abt the baby. he didnt say ne thing my fiends and family said the baby came first so i had to ignore how he felt and stop being so upset abt it or the stress could make me lose the baby that he come around soon enough. well almost 20 weeks later i just snapped and had a emotional out burst bc even though he has been supportive abt my symptoms and not making me cook dinner and stuff when it came to the baby there was nothing it was like he was treating me and caring for me asif i was sick, he would barly even ouch my belly. well i said i was done trying to tell him stuff abt the baby and wouldnt force info down his throught and all i could do was pray he love the baby when he gets here. he said im trying to have the same feelings as u its just hard . he basically is worried abt money and his life changing well its not ust his life it my life and my body too i have a much bigger plain this thing but also try very hard to be respectful of his concerns and i always thank him forever thing and love on him and hell even give him very reg bjs not every day like b4 the pregnancy bc of ms  but u know i really make a effort. i hate asking him to do stuff or telling him how i feel cause i want him to do stuff bc he wants to not bc what i said . he has since then been more like interactive with the baby but feel its just to make me happy i just want him to love the baby i had awful parents who didnt love me and my mother beat me till she died when i was 14 i want our baby to have a happy life and loving parents is that to much to ask for .... sorry i wrote a book i know guys say they hate to much detail.... well not every one but most at least that i know.

any ways this is coming from a sad mommy that wants a happy daddy to be....

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