3rd Trimester

Induction tomorrow...now paranoid baby is truly 38 weeks.

I have been on bed rest for the past 3 weeks due to hypertension and trace to 1+ protein.  Yesterday my BPs spiked to 150s/104 range, and I am currently in the hospital on bed rest.  They are talking about inducing me tomorrow (they almost did last night), so I will be 37w6d. 

I have very irregular cycles, and the pregnancy was a surprise. I have only been able to go off of u/s readings to try and date my pregnancy.  The measurements below seem to keep me within the same date range almost to the day, but it still makes me nervous to deliver early!  Especially because at my dating u/s that put me at 9w3d, my tech said that could be off by two weeks in either direction. 

This is stressing me out! What if he is only 36 weeks? Can I rely on these measurements?  I have had no braxton hicks, haven't lost my MP, or any other signs of labor.  I'm not sure if I am dilated at all; have not had any internals.

Ugh! Just want to be excited about our possible Valentine's Day gift, not stressed! :(

07/30/12 (9w3d)

Dating u/s - CRL 2.7cm - 9w3d

(tech told me it could be off by two weeks either direction at this appt, which confused me b/c I thought u/s before 12 weeks were very accurate.) 

08/15/12 (11w5d)

CRL 5.6 - tech stated just over 12 weeks

10/18/12-  (21w0d)

BPD 5.0 cm = 21w1d
HC 9.0 cm = 22w1d
AC 18.3 cm = 22w4d
FL 3.8 cm = 21w5d

12/17/12 - 29w3d

weight estimate 3lb 4oz (57th percentile). No other measurements.

01/25/13 - 35w0d

BPD 8.8 cm =36w0
HC 31.3 cm = 36w1d
AC  31.0 cm =35w0d
FL  6.9 cm = 35w3d
Weight = 5lbs 11oz (61%)

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