
Booster help needed

DS is 3.5 years, 30 pounds and 39 inches tall he is all torso can still wear 18 month pants.  He outgrew his convertable carseat RF by height last fall/summer and has just out grown several of them in the FF position by height recently.  We need a new seat for my moms car she has a very old van that does not have a top teather or latch so it will be a seatbelt install.  She is looking to spend less then $120.  He also needs a seat in my sisters honda accord she had a costco convertable in it and he was pushing the hight limit on it at Christmas.

Now for the hard one we drive a 1984 F150 he rides in the middle so the seat must be reasonable in size but it only has a lap belt so we have had trouble finding a good seat for this truck. We had an Even flow that is about to expire in there not sure what model it was.

I have a britax BLVD in my truck and we love it but it's to big for the other truck and can't install in the middle front

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