Cloth Diapering

Stinky Diaper Help

We have been noticing a stronger smell in the diaper pail/wetbag and when the diaper comes off LO.  My MIL suggested bleach...does this help with smell?  If so, would I wash the covers separately from the inserts so the bleach doesn't ruin the color on the covers?  I asked a friend about stripping and she said we don't need to unless the diapers still smell after washing (they don't) or if they smell right when LO pees (we only smell it when we take the diaper off).  We use a combo of prefolds with Flips and pocket diapers with MF inserts.  If you recommend stripping, can you be specific on how to do this?  I have heard to use Dawn, but my DH will not be a fan of putting that in our HE washer.  TIA!!  
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