August 2013 Moms

NT scan and a not good appt.

I had my NT scan today which was great!  Tech said the baby looked awesome and LO was cooperating so well she got everything she needed in the first 10 minutes.  She spent the next 20 talking to me and playing around with the u/s machine so it was a really cool experience, I even got a 3d even though its not very good b/.c LO is not really old enough yet. 

Then I went in for my dr appt and found out I tested positive for fifths disease. So now I have to see a Perinatologist (sp?). I'm trying not to be terrified but please cross your fingers for us. 

Dianna & Mike Proud parents of Angelina 12/07/06 & Gabriella 03/07/11 Belly bean #3 due August 2013 Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers BabyFruit Ticker
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