Cloth Diapering

Stripping help

My diapers are currently wet in the washer but I'm not sure what to do with them now. Help, please.

I have mostly BG 4.0 and Freetimes. They don't smell clean, but it doesn't really smell like bad barnyard or ammonia. They have been less absorbent too.

I have a front loader. I wash diapers with a really heavy, sopping wet towel and add extra water. Cold wash first, followed by hot wash with 1 scoop of Tiny Bubbles and extra rinses. I started with less detergent but they weren't clean. We have soft water.

I tried bleach like BG recommends, but they still were funky with a slight bleach smell.

Today I put clean diapers in the washer with the sopping towel. Squirted blue dawn in. Washed on hot. Rinsed three times. Never saw a lot of bubbles, but I never really see bubbles.

They still don't smell clean. Thoughts on what to try next?
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