August 2013 Moms

When a child should go to Disney...

What are your thoughts on going to Disney with your children?

Background, I come from a relatively large family, I have 4 sisters. Our vacations consisted of car rides and quick weekend trips - with 7 of us, we couldn't quite afford to go on any "big" trips as a family. I thoroughly enjoyed my childhood, and those trips hold some of my favorite memories.

 My husbands family is a Disney family. He has two sisters - and his family always made Disney work - Either buying a season pass and going multiple times a year, or just going down once as the "big trip." 

To his mom, its easy - fun, and she knows how to get around and make it work. My husband and I started dating 6 years ago and I'm pretty certain his parents have had a season pass each year. His oldest sister's daughter, who is now 4 1/2 have already been to Disney 6 or 7 times (I lost count). She also just had twins and they just had their first trip at 7 months old. His middle sister has a 1 year old - who has her first trip to Disney at 7 months.  

 When we first started getting into these conversations with his mom, I said 6 years old is when I will take my child for the first time. Eventually it got pushed down to 5, then 4....and now that I'm actually pregnant his mom is having a really really hard time grasping the fact that her 5th Grandchild might not get to experience Disney until he/she is 3 or 4 **Gasp**

 Of course, its way too early to have this argument - but am I being a terrible person for thinking going to Disney before 3 is pointless? Yes the babies are adorable when they see the characters, but it seems like a ton of work/travel to push a stroller around a hot amusement park. I'd much rather rent a house down the cape for a week and enjoy the sun/sand over walk around a park. 

 Believe me, i have nothing against Disney families - I can see how it can be considered an "easy" vacation - but it's just not me. It also is not how I grew, my mom was always telling me how expensive it is haha 

What are your thoughts? Are you already planning your first trip to Disney with baby and family?  

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