August 2013 Moms

I'm so torn!

So I keep reading all these posts of mamas finding out the sex of their babies, and I get so jealous/anxious for my turn! DH and I are most definitely not Team Green, I think the anticipation would kill me. ;)

My dilemma: At my 13 week appointment yesterday, my doctor told me about an elective u/s they offer at 16 weeks. I'd get to find out the sex 4 weeks sooner! Downside? It's 100 bucks! EW!

Money isn't really an "issue", but DH is having a hard time justifying the expense when we could just wait a little longer and find out at our 20 u/s (like originally planned). But it's so tempting since I now have this new, and extremely attractive offer!

What would you do? Would you splurge (if you're not Team Green)? Or would you just suck it up and hold off? Help?  

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