3rd Trimester

Expectant Mother Parking Vent

I just have to vent about this because it's made me so ragey.

 Over the weekend, I had to run to Wegman's (our local grocery store) twice. They have designated "Expectant Mother" parking in front of the store, which is amazing. There are only 2 spots so I love it when I can get one.

 Trip 1: I have my turning signal on to pull into the EM spot, just waiting for a car to move. Another car coming the opposite way whips in and steals my spot! The women gets out and I *highly* doubt she is pregnant. She is an older lady and had 2 young girls with her (not of child bearing age). Here I am at 38 weeks... I  definitely had a right to that spot!

Trip 2: I am with my mom and we are parked in the EM spot. She had to use her phone before we went into the store so we were sitting in the car for a few minutes. Someone had parked one of those scooter shopping cart things in the other EM spot so a gentlemen with a pregnant wife in his car gets out, moves the scooter, and gets back in his car to obviously move into the EM spot. Before he gets his car in drive, an old man who is by himself steals the spot! The guy rolls down his window to let the guy know that he just stole a pregnant lady's spot and the man just waived him off and continued into the store! I was raging!

I know this is whiny, but I can't imagine stealing a pregnant lady's parking spot when I'm not pregnant. I waited until I was 7 or 8 months to even start using them to begin with. Maybe it's more hormones, but I was seeing red this made me so mad and I really needed to vent.

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