August 2013 Moms

I don't know what to do.

I just need to vent.

In September of 2012 I left my job that I had been at (and loved for the most part) of 6 years. I learned so much there, loved my patients and what I did, but part of me was yearning for a little more. Unexpectedly an opportunity came up that seemed great. My last job, I didn't have benefits, he didn't do maternity leave... so you basically lost 3 months worth of work. Knowing my husband and I wanted to start a family in the future, I took the new job...which offered benefits (I still get mine through my husbands jobs so it wasn't a huge deal.) but it offered more vacation time, and short term disability. Plus, the option to grow.

Long story short... I was used to a fast paced office. Seeing 75-100 patients a day, constantly on my feet running the halls, and my work days, though long at times, flew by. Now here I am. On every five minutes. My 10 hour work days feel like 100 hours. The office is extremely slow in comparison to my last one. I went from 75-100 patients/day to 10 or less. I gained 20lbs in 4 months from being so active to sitting in a chair for 40 hours. I am by myself in the office 99% of the time and it gets boring/lonely. There's really nothing (and I'm being honest) for me to do. I can't complete billing until the notes are done, but the notes don't get completed by my boss until the last week of the month. We only have about 10 different patients so it's not hard to keep up on their insurance and authorizations/scripts. It takes me about 10 minutes. I'm just not as happy as I thought I would be. I didn't get any more money by switching jobs, just the STD and more time off. Not sure it was a great tradeoff now. :(

My husband is insisting that I hold it out until August when the baby comes, and then look during my maternity leave, come back for a few weeks and then go elsewhere. I honestly don't know if I can do this for 6 more months.

Imagine sitting at a desk for 10 hours a day with seriously not one thing to do. It may seem fun and super easy. But believe me, it gets insanely boring and you start becoming upset.

What would you do if you were in my situation? I know it's near impossible to get hired during pregnancy. My previous job said they'd take me back in a heartbeat if something came up, but I would lose STD.


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