August 2013 Moms

Sibling Rivalry

Okay this is going to be a vent and fairly long...

Just a quick background I have a sister and brother both older with kids.  My sister has 1 kid, almost 2 years old.  She has always felt the need to be the center of attention.  Whether it be, jealously or what, I dont know, but it has always been the case.  Especially when it comes to her little sister, me!

So I am a FTM, and when I announced my pregnancy I think it was a bit of a shock to my family because hubby and I hadnt really told people we were trying, so I think they were under the impression it wasnt happening for us for a while. 

Well as soon as I announced it my sister was happy for us, but immediately stated that was going to start trying for #2.  This didnt bother me, because I know she wants a large family.  But that was just the beginning... since then she has made several comments that make me extremely annoyed.  I am a very laid back person and knowing the type of person she is I choose to keep quiet. 

But the other day, she said she was upset because she was never going to be the only one in the family pregnant alone.  With her first, my SIL was also pregnant.  And now with this one (once she does conceive) I am pregnant.  So my response was, that isnt really anything you can control.  Her response...

"Well yes you can.  This was my plan all along and our SIL's was an accident and you jumped the gun.  You both are just raining on my parade".

WTF?!?  Are you kidding me?  Aside from that insane comment she told me that I cant name my girl Emily if I have a girl because that is the name she has always wanted.  And if I pick Emily, it wont stop her from picking the same name. 

UGH!!!  I dont know who she thinks she is to tell me what I can and cant do, but I am so infuriated with her right now.  Every time I see her she is constantly saying something to grind my gears...

What is it with sisters?!?! 

Sorry for the long vent, but I needed to get this out. 

BabyFruit Ticker
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