August 2013 Moms

Telling my second job today...

I have huge anxiety of telling my second job today. But I want to facebook announce soon and want them to find out through me face to face. I'm getting close to 14 weeks and measuring 15 weeks. I part time nanny and have been with this same family for 3 and a half years. They have twin 3 year olds is special needs and doesn't walk or talk. Then they also have a 6 month old. I don't plan on returning after baby. There's no way that many kids plus a newborn would even be fair to the kids...especially the one with special needs. While it sucks and its a hard choice, I feel its the right one. I know its going to flip their world upside down but I figure atleast I'm giving them 5 months to find a replacement. Ugh....I just hope the mom doesn't freak out til after I leave. Any tips or advice. I kind of just plan on laying it out there at the end of the day....then they have 5 days to process it before I work again....
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